Hey Guys! This is my first blog post
Ever. So I guess i'll start by telling a little bit about myself and that will give you a feel of what you can expect to see on my blog. First and first most I like to introduce myself as a mommy, because of course my kiddo is my pride and joy! I have a little boy whose name is Zaiah and further known to be called Zay, Zaiah, Zay-Zay, and of course Monkey. He will turn 2 towards the end of June, although I believe we have already hit the title "terrible twos" right on the head. I married my highschool sweetheart in the summer of 2008 who i have been seeing going on 8 years. *Shout out to my sweetie Wes* -whom without i wouldn't have my handsome sweet baby boy. I am
Still and currently attending WKU and hope to be graduating in the next semester or so majoring in Sociology with a minor in Family Studies. However, I do have another
Love in my life named
Photography. I started dabbling in photography a year or two before my son was born and then became more serious about it once Izaiah was here. This month marks the 1 year anniversary that I began offering my photography services outside of family and friends. Hmmm...lets see what else can I say about myself to make my life sound much more exciting lol...only kidding..it is plenty hectic enough for my liking! I also enjoy being "crafty", i'm not a pro at sewing but I get by and can pretty much do anything I set my mind to. This will just be a short post as there is only so much I can say about myself. In further posts I will probably share photos from my photography business, inspiration from other places that i find interesting enough to share, and pretty much anything else I feel worthy of sharing !......
Oh and I've shared some images I took today of my son relaxing outside in our yard
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